26 minutes •2024Role: video editor & designer, investigator
All publications
- Le Monde |StravaLeaks
Role: lead investigator & producer (in team with S. Bourdon)|Exec Producer: A. Balluffier - Le Monde |Double vrille, la figure de break impossible ?
Role: lead producer |Written with S. Malacria & J. Ros| Exec Producer: M. Bettinelli - Le Monde |Cyril Hanouna et ses dérapages
Role: motion designer | Investigator: A. Apelbaum | Lead producer: C.H. Groult,
- BBC Eye|Nika’s Last Breath: Secret report reveals the hunt for Iranian protest
Role: investigator, lead video editor, art director
Lead investigators: B. Hill, A. Miller
- Stance / Loopsider |In Gaza, a dance school under the bombs
Role: lead producer – Team: H. Omar, Lilou, S. Lehmann
- BBC Eye|They Call Us Meat: What happened to Russia’s elite ‘Black Berets’
Role: lead video editor & designer (with E. Costard), co-producer
Lead investigators & producers: N. Davies, V. Arakelyan, A. Leroy (…)
- Libération|How the French police killed Mohamed Bendriss
Role: lead producer, video editor & designer| Investigators & coproducers: I. Halissat, F. Leboucq, C. Courtois
- BBC Eye |The Billion Dollar Scam
Role: motion graphics reporter | Investigators: S. Weinglass, M. Turner, M. Hudson
- Libération|Dans le Nord, un tir policier suspect et une enquête à l’arrêt
Role: 3D modelling | Investigators: I. Halissat, F. Leboucq
- Libération|LBD imprécis et dangereux : la police savait, mais a laissé faire
Role: 3D modelling | Investigator: I. Halissat
- Libération|Sainte-Soline: how an activist was severely wounded by the police
Role: producer, lead video editor & designer (In pair with S. Lehmann) | Investigators: I. Halissat, F. Leboucq, P. Moullot
- BBC Eye |Finding my Torturer
Role: co-producer, lead video editor & motion designer|Lead producer: B. Hill |Investigators: V. Arakelyan, J. Tacchi - Libération|Pont-Neuf case: police claim of self-defense discredited
Role: 3D Modelling| Investigation: I. Halissat, F. Leboucq - BBC Eye |Nemtsov’s Shadow
Role: lead video editor & motion designer, co-producer| Investigation: Bellingcat, The Insider, BBC
- Le Monde|In a Paris suburb, how the police took a mother’s eye
Role: research, writing, video editing, motion design, 3D modelling (with E. Costard, A. Jacquel, L. Roxo) - Disclose|Operation Sirli: France’s complicity in state crimes in Egypt
Role: filmmaking, video editing, motion design (with E. Costard)| Journalists: A. Lavrilleux, G. Livolsi, M. Destal - Mediapart|Tear gas grenades: five years of protests analyzed
Role: video editing, motion design (with E. Costard)| Journalist: S. Bourdon - Mediapart|Viry-Châtillon case: how the police made up false culprits
Role: video production, video editing, motion design | Journalist: P. Pascariello - Mediapart|How the French police sabotaged a Paris demonstration
Role: research, video production, motion design | Co-produced with S. Bourdon, A. Rouget, C. Polloni - BBC Africa Eye|Sons of Mocímboa: Mozambique’s terrorism crisis
Role: video editing, motion design (with E. Costard)| Journalist: C. Francavilla
- BBC Africa Eye | Lagos Inferno
Role: video editing, motion design, 3D modelling – Journalist: B. Hill
DIG Award 2021, Amnesty Media Award 2021 - Forensic Architecture | The death of Adama Traore
Role: 3D modelling – Research: F. Sebregondi, A. Balluffier, N. Chapuis
- Forensic Architecture | Pushbacks in Melilla: ND and NT v. Spain
Role: research, writing, video editing, motion design - Forensic Architecture | The Killing of Mark Duggan
Role: video editing, motion design, additional 3D - Mediapart|Social media: a breach in the French Army
Role: video production, motion design | Journalist: S. Bourdon - The New York Times | The Fauci Awards
Role: 3D modelling – Video by A. Westbrook, E. Holzknecht - The New York Times | How America Helped Stop Covid-19. Just Not in the U.S.
Role: motion design – Video by A. Westbrook, A. Stockton & S. Dosani
- Le Monde | How the police wounded a peaceful Gilets Jaunes protester
Role: research, video production, video editing, motion design, 3D – Journalist: A. Balluffier - The New York Times | How to Fight Fake News on Vaccines
Role: motion design – Video by A. Westbrook - Mediapart|Revelations on minister Rugy’s lifestyle
Role: video editing, motion design | Journalists: F. Arfi, M. Hajdenberg, A. Rouget, M. Turchi - Mediapart|The man behind Balkany Case
Role: video production, video editing | Journalist: F. Arfi | 2019 - Mediapart|Notre-Dame: a hidden health scandal
Role: video production, motion design | Journalist: P. Pascariello - Arte & France.tv | Dans ton tel
Role: writing, video production, video editing, motion design – Co-produced with S. Chekaik-Chaila
- Le Monde | What was the role of France in the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda?
Role: research, writing, video production, motion design - Le Monde | What is China doing in Africa?
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: A. Balluffier - Le Monde | Video identity
Role: art direction, animation, coding – Co-produced with E. Bellanger
- Le Monde | Yellow vests: why a backlash against taxation
Role: motion design – Journalist: K. El Hadj - Le Monde | CumEx Files
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: M. El Mokhtari - Le Monde | Implant Files
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: M. El Mokhtari - Le Monde | L’affaire Benalla résumée en 5 minutes
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: D. Walther - Le Monde | Qu’est-il reproché à Vincent Bolloré ?
Role: motion design – Journalist: M. Bettinelli - Le Monde | Comment tricher au tirage au sort de la Coupe du monde
Role: motion design – Journalist: A. Balluffier - Le Monde | Paradise Papers: how Hamilton avoided taxes on a £16M jet
Role: motion design – Journalist: M. Bettinelli - Le Monde | Paradise Papers: Total et le Congo-Brazzaville
Role: motion design – Journalist: P. Trouvé - Le Monde | Paradise Papers : Nike
Role: motion design – Journalist: D. Walther - Le Monde | Qu’est-ce que le «système » ?
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: S. Chayette - Le Monde | The Snowden’s documents
Role: video editing, motion design – Journalist: P. Trouvé
Before 2016
- Documenting Breaking
2006 → 2016 - Animations for news-magazines (Envoye special, etc.)
Role: motion design|2014 → 2016 - Acrimed|8 mars
Role: animation|2016 - Promo for Depardieu’s series A pleines dents
Role: interview shooting, video editing|Agency: Balanga Distribution|2014
- Flab Prod|Le Grand Journal “coming-next” sequence
Role: video editing, motion design – Art direction & assets: Naked Studio / LGJ design team|2016
- Bogdan’s Journey documentary promo
Role: video editing, motion design|Agency: Balanga Distribution|2016 - EPK Lisa Simone My World
Role: video production, video editing, motion design|In Vivo, 2016 - Christophe André DVD
Role: video production, video editing, motion design, DVD authoring|Publisher: L’Iconoclaste| 2016 - Geev’ app promo
Role: animation|2016 - IBE Festival video idents
Role: AD, animation|2011 → 2016 - The Mill London|Samsung Unleash your fingers
Role: animation (2 shots)|2012 - The Mill London|Nokia Lumia 610
Role: animation|2012 - The Mill London|Windows Phone
Role: animation|2012 - Virage Nord series promo
Role: video editing|Aeternam Films|2014 - Tainted Land, the legacy of the Secret war in Laos
Role: video production, video editing|2014 - Malherbes Design|Dior Games
Role: assistant animator|2011
- Information design showreel
2020 - Camera work showreel
2017 - Motion graphics showreel
2019 - Photography
2011 → 2017