Important: I have designed this tool for my own use. Bugs may remain.
Please write me if you bump into one, or to suggest upgrades.
⚠️ (10 oct 2020) Several users have reported me a bug (empty panels when loaded). I’m doing research to fix it. If you encounter the bug, you can look to these three solutions: solution 1, solution 2, solution 3.
This free UI script provides a simple solution to create video walls. My solution, I believe, is relevant when you want to create a huge amount of screens – from 100 and above. Otherwise it’s probably better to go for this one, that I also use myself. (This one and this one are also interesting solutions.)
Here is the workflow:
- 1 – In Premiere, create an edit of your rough footage. You could also just do precomp in After Effects, if your grid is not too big. This edit should be long. If you have the material, make it 1 hour or 2. The longer it is, the less repetition in the grid you are going to get.
Note that the ratio that you choose for this, will be the ratio of your screens. - 2 – Export your edit in low res. The more screens you have, the lower you should go, and the less render time you gonna need. For a grid of 50 screens per row, my comp was in 120p.
- 3 – Bring your edit to After Effects, put it in a comp, select the layer, run the script! What it does is duplicating your original layer, re-scale/re-position it, and randomly time-offset it, to catch different parts of your edit. You’ll then get a 20 seconds sequence with your grid.
You can also:
- have a randomized fade in intro (ON by default)
- get a grid drawn between the screens, in a Shape Layer (OFF by default)